The cornerstones of my quality assurance for your translations.

Technical translations that are both correct and clear are essential for presenting your products and services in an attractive way – especially if you want to minimise risk when doing business abroad. Clear, well presented texts appeal to customers and support your marketing efforts.

Consultants and experts, modern translation tools and expertise in the specialised fields constitute the cornerstone of my quality assurance. Your documents will always be translated in an effective manner and delivered on time.

I am aware of the fact that the quality of my translations contributes decisively to my customers’ success.

This is why I thrive to ensure my quality through my:

  • linguistic competences both in the source language and in the target language
  • technical expertise
  • observance of company-specific terminology as well as corresponding specialised terminology
  • adherence to delivery dates / flexibility
  • translations adapted to DIN 15038 and DIN EN ISO 17100
  • use of modern translation tools (e.g. Trados Studio 2021)
  • Multiterm terminology database maintenance
  • continuous improvement of my processes



Translations with the highest quality standards

Bundscherer Fachübersetzungen with Elke Bundscherer is your partner in transferring your knowledge and know-how into the language of your customers and business partners. With accurate and clear translations in your technical jargon as well as adherence to deadlines and flexibility, I support your business success abroad.